Sunday, 29 October 2017

07:57 Posted by Unknown No comments
Posted by Unknown on 07:57 with No comments

- Rohan Agarwal (

India is considered as a young nation, not because of the years that we got independence from the Britishers, but because of the younger work force available in the country. History has been evident, that every big achievement whether pre or post independence achieved by Indians, was always possible because of the young minds and energy flowing in the blood of young India.

May be it struggle for independence or struggle during emergency period it was younger generation, which decided to take on the monarchs. However, it seems that today’s government had either bunked their history lectures or they don’t believe in history books. Because the kind of mission that BJP ruled central government has decided to take on, would definitely result into massive revolt across the country.

May it be Jawaharlal Nehru University or Ramjas College or even Banaras Hindu University, government’s constant attempt to constraint the thoughts and liberty of university going student is no where justified. The verbal attack that JNU students have been facing after the BJP government came into power clearly showcases its mentality to hold every thought that goes against government or its irrational decisions.

BHU being the latest to suffer, a peaceful protest by students was dealt as a riot like situation by the University administration. No one could provide justification for physical assault that University students went through during the lathicharge.

However, one can understand the fact that Uttar Pradesh doesn’t get enough chances to showcase their bravery and use Lathis on ‘Bahubalis’ supported by the politicians in UP, so a chance to use wooden sticks on innocent students was like an opportunity of lifetime for the policemen.

Attack on the liberty of thoughts and Freedom of speech, especially on the University level, is an sign of an upcoming monarchy, which would do whatever is needed, to attract blind followers and subtract the ones with different opinions.

Moreover, now these servants of monarch have found an unique way to take down, different sets of ideologies. The weapon called ‘Patriotism’ has now made quest to suppress easier for the government. Anything that doesn’t suites government’s agenda will now be termed as anti-national and the opponent losses his struggle to freedom to expression and faces a new struggle to prove his love for his country.

So, next time when you are speaking anything against the PRADHAN SEWAK or his party or his government, make sure you had learnt the national anthem and national song by heart, so that you can prove your love for nation in front of the sold media and its agents.


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